Post natal care





Ayurvedic Post Natal Care


The move from pregnancy to motherhood is the most dramatic and, often shocking, change in a woman's life. A time of joy, relief, happiness, wonderment, fear, apprehension, and sleep deprivation all rolled into one.
In India mothers are seen as the basis of family life which then forms the basis of society as a whole. Therefore if a mother is safe and protected, family life is also safe and protected.
According to Ayurveda this is a critical and precious time in a woman's life that can dictate her future health and well-being. It has, over thousands of years, developed remedies to 'Mother the Mother' with nourishing food, herbs and nurturing treatments, which aid in healing, rejuvenation and relaxation.

Benefits of an Ayurvedic Post Natal Plan:

* Quicker physical healing
* More energy
* Better digestion and assimilation of nutrients
* More relaxed mother (and therefore baby)
* Improved bonding between mother and child
* Reduced post-natal depression
* Reduced western complaints of colic and acid reflux in the baby.

Please see the Ayurdoula section for more details on post natal packages.

Post-natal Classes

Here at Ayurveda Mama we run 6 weekly Post-natal classes to 'mother the mother'. Please see Training & Events section for details.