Yoga and Ayurveda





Yoga and Ayurveda


It is the sister science to Yoga, both integral parts of the same Vedic tradition. They both developed together and repeatedly influenced each other throughout history. As sister disciplines they work together to enhance their great benefits on all levels of life.

Yoga means to unite, to achieve union with yourself by silencing the mind through movement or breath. It is primarily a science of self-realization.

Ayurveda is primarily a science of self-healing aimed at alleviating the diseases of body and mind and restoring wholeness. The ultimate goal however, of self-healing is self-realization.

Yoga postures or asanas and meditation systems aimed at attaining inner peace, make up the spiritual aspect of Ayurveda, while Ayurvedic diet, herb and lifestyle regimens make up the practical side of yogic spirituality.