What can Ayurveda Treat





What can Ayurveda treat?

Many of the common western symptoms listed below can be relieved and treated using the wisdom of Ayurveda:

Digestive problems e.g. constipation, bloating, indigestion, gas, IBS, acidity, diarrhoea, pain in the digestive tract, toxins, ulcers, food sensitivities, food allergies, candida
Low energy, fatigue
Asthma and allergies including hayfever
Muscle and joint pain or stiffness, arthritis, back pain, neck pain
Skin conditions e.g. acne, eczema, psoriasis, dry skin
Sinus problems and congestion
Addictions e.g. sugar, coffee, smoking
Stress, tension, anxiety, worry, irritability, insomnia
Headaches, migraines
Depression, low self-esteem.

Women's health (Kumara Bhritya)

Due to women's reproductive systems there are specialist areas of health that can be treated and here at Ayurveda Mama we specialise in pregnancy, post natal and baby care.

Menstrual problems:
PMS, pain, irregular periods – we look at connecting women to their own reproductive powers and moon cycle.
PCOS, fibroids, cysts, infertility.

Pregnancy care:
Pre-conception care – detoxification, strengthening of the reproductive systems
Pregnancy care
Post natal care
Ayurdoula services – antenatal and post natal consultations and treatments, birth packages.

Menopausal symptoms:
Hot flushes, dryness, mood swings, irritability.

Many other illnesses can be also be treated or alleviated using Ayurveda.

If you suffer from any of the above or simply want to feel healthier and more balanced, contact us today.